On the other side of the fence, the pre and post christmas slump does not always deter sellers from listing on Ebay. This can be a good opportunity to grab a bargain or start acquring items for selling in the new year.
Off on his usual walkies this week, Scotty found a dazzling pair of gold Gucci heels with peep toes and diamonds. Looking brand new with a price tag of $48.00AU these shoes would be a lovely buy for personal use (for his owner of course!) but Scotty wasn't so sure about them for re-sale purposes. While peep toes are back in fashion this spring/summer Scotty was uncertain if they would fetch more than $48 on Ebay. Scotty knows that this store drops its prices daily on existing items so he has the option of returning tomorrow to buy the Gucci's at a cheaper price if someone else hasn't snapped them up first. Scotty thinks a fair price for these beauties would be in the $20-$35 price range.

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