The most common question new Ebayers ask and which frustrates them for months on end is "where can I purchase goods for re-sale on Ebay". Successful Ebay sellers are very reluctant to disclose their secrets about successful selling and their regular haunts. You will see from previous posts about Scotty's Ebay Travels the names of some of the stores which Scotty frequents to acquire his items.
One of the aims of Scotty's Blogspot is to provide new Ebayers with ideas on how to select an item for re-sale and to loosen the current taboo on the venues successful Ebay sellers frequent to acquire their merchandise.
Recently a magainze called The Antique Collector published a list of worthwhile trash and treasure markets around Australia. Whilst I did not purchase the magazine I did speed read which places were recommended in Victoria and two places caught my eye.
Number 1 which was already known to me was Camberwell Market. Although I have never been, it is always recommended for its array of collectible items. The downside for Scotty is that in order to acquire a real bargain he would have to rise very early on a Sunday morning which is a bit ruff! Perhaps Ebay Chatters could make a day out of it? Let me know what you think.
The second recommendation was "The Junk Company" located at 583 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Australia. I had never heard of this warehouse but will certainly visit it in the near future and give my fellow readers a full report.
If you would like to share a recommended place of interest where Ebayers can acquire goods for re-sale purposes please post a comment below with the details.
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