On Monday 21 August, 2006 Ebay will increase its fees. Fee increases will only affect sellers who use Featured Plus in certain categories, Basic Stores subscribers and sellers who list using Store Inventory Format.
Basic store subscriptions have risen from $9.95AU to $14.95. The reason for the increase in fees is that buyers have expressed concerns regarding the large quantity of Store Inventory Format listings and the overuse of Featured Plus listings which have led to searches producing too many confusing results and being less relevant. This has made it harder for buyers to find what they are looking for.
For those who use the Store Inventory Format, changes to the way these listings are displayed in search results will start to come into effect on Wednesday 2 August 2006. Basically, Ebay will now display only 10 related store inventory results when a buyer is searching for a particular item, thus limiting the exposure of other items in stores that have the same inventory for sale.
Final value fees in the $0-$75.00AU category have risen from 5.25% to 10% and in the $75.01-$1,000.00 category fees have risen from 2.75% to 5%.
Most likely Scotty's Boutique will close due to the fee hike and items will be listed in the auction format only. This will however affect the amount of traffic that visits Scotty's Blog but regular listings with a link through the "about me" page will have to suffice for now.
There is a UK based Ebay Fee Protest Group which has 475 members so far and can be found at
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