Apart from the obvious – having a good item, one word that stands out the most when wanting to make an Ebay buyer happy is Communication. Tell them when you have received their payment, when the item will be posted and when the item has been posted. Buyers love to hear from sellers and what makes sellers popular is friendliness. Words like ‘Hi Joe, thanks for your payment’ or ‘Thanks for your business, you will love this item’ are easy going and personal and work wonders. You could even throw in a ‘Please contact us should you have any queries’ email. Remember, every customer is a potential return customer.
Back in the earlier days I used to fight fire with fire. One particular incident that comes to mind is when an Ebayer accused me of selling rancid Mary Kay products. The nerve of some people! Rude emails went back and forth until I decided enough was enough and dropped out of the conversation altogether. Why give rude people the satisfaction right? If someone is rude to you it’s always a good experiment to be friendly and polite in return just to see if their reaction changes. In most cases it does. View rudeness as a challenge. If they want a refund ‘sure no worries, send the item back and I’d be happy to’ always works well. Now’s a good time to remind them that their postage will not be refunded pursuant to Ebay’s Rules and Regulations, if you so desire.
Back in the earlier days I used to fight fire with fire. One particular incident that comes to mind is when an Ebayer accused me of selling rancid Mary Kay products. The nerve of some people! Rude emails went back and forth until I decided enough was enough and dropped out of the conversation altogether. Why give rude people the satisfaction right? If someone is rude to you it’s always a good experiment to be friendly and polite in return just to see if their reaction changes. In most cases it does. View rudeness as a challenge. If they want a refund ‘sure no worries, send the item back and I’d be happy to’ always works well. Now’s a good time to remind them that their postage will not be refunded pursuant to Ebay’s Rules and Regulations, if you so desire.
The sad thing about Ebay’s feedback system is you really need to cater to a buyer’s every whim to maintain a good reputation and avoid negative feedback. Sellers can’t refuse to give a refund and still be confident they will receive good feedback just because they handled a transaction well. It may be their right to refuse a refund but it’s also the right of the Buyer to leave negative feedback for not receiving one. It’s a catch 22 situation Ebay are yet to fix.
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Ebay sellers
happy Ebayer
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