Let me start by telling you about how I got into trading cutlery sets on Ebay.
One day, dressed to the k-nines I decided to pad my way down to the Brotherhood of St Lawrence charity store. After a quick sniff around I found myself a complete box of silver plated cutlery for 6. The box looked vintage and the black and white checkered lid made me think it was from the time of Happy Days and the Fonz.
When buying silver you must check for markings. This set was Made in Italy. It was on sale for $50.00. I rang my best mate and asked him to quickly look up cutlery on Ebay. The result wasn't too promising but nevertheless I took a risk and purchased it anyway. I felt that $50 was a bit too pricey for something I had no idea about. This was the first time I ever bargained with a charity store. Shame Shame, did I feel guilty. I scuttled out of there with my $25 cutlery set pleased as punch. Remember, the less of the outlay the more you make. However, the guilt of reducing proceeds for those less fortunate than you never leaves.
I was lucky enough to have a good camera on hand and took some clear shots of my new acquisition. The set sold for $180.00 AU. I was over the moon and hooked on cutlery from that day forward.
So far i've sold about six - seven sets with my latest acquisition an absolute beauty with the profit margin being six times it's purchase price (more on that another time).
I'm not sure why cutlery sets are so popular but I do know they go like hot cakes and that's all that matters.
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Cutlery, Bargain
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