On May 1st, Kate Moss joins designers Stella McCartney, the Beckhams and Madonna in the release of her new collection of Kate Moss clothing designs . Expect to see stampedes and catfights at UK's apparel chain Topshop over Moss's skinny leg jeans and other designs which will be on sale at 300 British stores ranging from $24 AU to $485 AU. Like Stella McCartney's Target range recently released in Australia, feisty fashionista's are expected to queue for hours for the chance to purchase one of the designs with many expected to purchase as much as possible in a bid to re-sell items on Ebay. Within 24 hours of items selling in stores, McCartney's items were already appearing for inflated prices on Ebay and for double the original asking price. I expect Kate Moss for Topshop will do exactly the same. I for one will be keeping an eye on Ebay to see what I can pick up. I must admit I have no desire to stand in line from dawn till opening time just to acquire items to re-sell on Ebay for double the asking price. It takes a lot more than that to get me out of bed at that time of the morning.
29 Apr 2007
Japanese Caught in Sheep Poodle Scam NOT
There's no baa about it, a sheep is not a poodle, nor has it ever been a poodle and nor will it ever be!. You can't toilet train a sheep nor teach it to sit or play dead and you certainly can't train a bleating herbivore to eat Pal!
This story all gave us a great laugh though didn't it?
Not familiar with it? Click "read more" to do just that.
read more digg story
Posted by Unknown at 12:58 pm 0 comments
25 Apr 2007
Cool Mice

Choose from hot chilli, the brain, the cow and the swimming duck. Price is a bit hefty at $65.00 AUD but ideal if you want something stylish and functional and a good corporate gift idea.
Posted by Unknown at 5:59 pm 0 comments
14 Apr 2007
Mums Go Bust on Ebay
This video is part two of a selection of interviews with Ebayers who were interviewed a number of months ago on how they were making large amounts of money on Ebay and how prosperous business was. In this second interview, things have changed and they are closing their Ebay stores due to Ebay's rise in fees.
One of the important things about being successful on Ebay is to be organised and have a good setup that you enjoy working with. You can have hundreds of items in storage but if you can't find what you have just sold, buyers will be ticked off. Take a look at setup of the shoe seller in the video. Her products are well spaced and easy to find. For someone who has as much stock as she does, it's a good idea to have a database containing the brand name, size and product number to reduce your confusion and stress levels. An even better idea is to have a database for inventory and finances as would the Ebayer in the video who sells half a million dollars on Ebay. A database that covers both aspects will help you adequately assess whether you are actually making money or losing money on your products.
There are many small business management programs out there that can help you set up your inventory and finances. It's about finding the right program for you at the right price. Ebay offers Turbo Lister, Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro. The first two are free and Selling Manager Pro is $9.95AU per month. Turbo Lister is good for typing your listings offline and record keeping however it does not support anything financial . Both Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro support inventory however Selling Manager provides a monthly view of archived sales while Selling Manager Pro comes with the ability to provide monthly profit and loss statements and an exportable report in Excel
View video footage of interviews with EbayersApril 13, 2007: After last year’s report on the massive success of eBay businesses the tables have turned with mums now ditching the site.

Ebay video
Ebay fee increase
Turbo Lister
Selling Manager
Selling Manager Pro
Posted by Unknown at 1:00 pm 1 comments
11 Apr 2007
Keeping Ebay Buyers Happy
Back in the earlier days I used to fight fire with fire. One particular incident that comes to mind is when an Ebayer accused me of selling rancid Mary Kay products. The nerve of some people! Rude emails went back and forth until I decided enough was enough and dropped out of the conversation altogether. Why give rude people the satisfaction right? If someone is rude to you it’s always a good experiment to be friendly and polite in return just to see if their reaction changes. In most cases it does. View rudeness as a challenge. If they want a refund ‘sure no worries, send the item back and I’d be happy to’ always works well. Now’s a good time to remind them that their postage will not be refunded pursuant to Ebay’s Rules and Regulations, if you so desire.
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Ebay sellers
happy Ebayer
Posted by Unknown at 1:54 pm 0 comments
9 Apr 2007
Flatware Bargaining
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Cutlery, Bargain
Posted by Unknown at 1:41 pm 0 comments
7 Apr 2007
Beat Your Competitors
Research your product. The aim of research is to help you make a detailed listing and show prospective bidders you are well versed about the product and the product is authentic. You may find a fellow Ebayer has the same or similar product as yours and has already researched the product for you. Do write it in your own words though as your listing could be cancelled by Ebay for plagarism.
Posted by Unknown at 5:39 pm 0 comments