18 Aug 2006

World 1st Bipolar Study

Researchers at the NSW based Black Dog Institute and the School of Psychiatry at the University of NSW, in partnership with Perth based health care provider, Sentiens, are currently recruiting people with Bipolar Disorder throughout Australia to participate in an world first online study. Participants of the study will use a secure Sentiens web based platform to access targeted online materials and track their mental health.

It is hoped that this research will help researchers understand if treatment programs and information provided over the internet can assist people to manage symptoms of bipolar disorder. By participating you will be making a major contribution to knowledge about how to effectively manage bipolar disorder. You benefit personally by learning more about this disorder and how to best manage symptoms when they occur.

Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to determine if programs designed for and delivered over the internet can help people with bipolar disorder stay well. Specifically if such programs can help reduce symptoms, reduce rates of relapse and admissions into hospital and assist people to remain on medication. This study is a randomised controlled trial, which means that all selected participants will be assigned to one of two specialised treatment groups.

Sufferers will be able to monitor their bipolar illness using state of the art technology in what is believed to be a world first in this type of research. Participants will have access to a large body of information which combines psycho education with specific therapeutic techniques based on cognitive behavioural and social rhythms therapy designed to help better manage bipolar disorder and keep well. The programs are based on established 'face to face' psychotherapy programs and have been written by psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmacists with special experience and expertise in the realm of mood disorders.

A selection process is required before being determined eligible for the study. Having been deemed a successful candidate for the study, I can disclose that interested persons are required to undergo a 25 minute online questionnaire based on their symptoms, current and past moods, family history and drug use (if any).

Successful participants can chose to have their medical practitioner notified should their condition deteriorate at any time during the study. They will also have access to online diaries, information on bipolar disorder, regular reminders to take medication, 10 sessions of cognitive behaviour therapy and access to weekly websites.

More information on the study or on Depression or Bipolar Disorder can be obtained from The Black Dog Institute website at www.blackdoginstitute.org.au.

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